Sunday, November 3, 2013

What my mother taught me about playing

Growing up moving so often with my father in the military and working full time (more than full time as a military man), my mom was my best friend when I was young.  She played with me often, whether it were Legos, or dolls, or reading to me, my mother helped shape my life with my early childhood education through play.  As a high school teacher, I know how important early education is and see the gaps and holes that can be in a student's learning by high school if the student came from homes without much parent/guardian to child interaction.  I am THE most important person in Eli's life, and I need to be aware of my impact on his future.  Playing with my son is one of the best gifts I can give him, and a gift my mother gave me often.  I'm smarter because my mother played with me, and hopefully between my husband building cool tracks like this and my investment in my son, Eli will find more doors opened then closed as he grows.

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