Friday, November 30, 2007

Poetry from BC Creative Writing Club Meeting 11-29-07

Impact – Harmony

In the world we have two natures –
the voice that says “mine”
and the voice that does not speak because presence is unified
so that there is no one
to speak with.

‘mine’ carries a hammer
building bridges, wonders, and junk –
striking against the nail,
moving the object to its will.

The voice that does not speak,
in a paradox of voice…
humming and buzzing in Tune
Producing a Harmony not often Heard
Within Identity;
Stroking piano keys inside a symphony.

The hammer seeks to mould;
the piano seeks to meld.

The impact of nails leaves scars in the wood.
The piano produces, is heard or ignored, and fades –
Enhancing the player through Practice.

Perhaps our builder screws into the wood
and realizes he has made a mistake…
he releases his binding
and has left:

a Screwed Board
-- too flawed for the next attempt.

Our musician plays his keys
and perhaps misses a note, but
his impact lacks destructive force.
He is now more practiced,
better equipped to once again try for Harmony
more able to contribute his Art.

so in Life I Choose –
I am not a builder hammering
out my vision
I am not a screwed board.

Rather I am
I am learning to play my notes,
Practicing my harmony production,
Gaining experience from the missed notes
Adding to the collective
And Malleable
Symphony of Life.

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